Where have I been???

Thursday 15 September 2016

Ahoy there loves!

I hope you've all had a lovely summer, the weather here in the UK has been spectacularly good for a change. I have been AWOL for some time now and if you follow me on social media you may already know why but for those of you that don't... I'm pregnant! Below is the announcement snap we shared in June.


We found out we were expecting in February so both my etsy shop and the blog/youtube channel went on the backburner whilst I packed up my craft room and all my supplies to make way for a nursery! We've since been doing a whole laundry list of DIY jobs and baby shopping as well as more recently shopping for a new house altogether. All this while dealing with the general pregnancy stuff means I just haven't had the free time or energy to dedicate to these things as I would want.

I have still been keeping up with my planning in the Day Designer and memory keeping in the Happy Planner which I intend to show you guys before my little one makes an appearance in late October (if he/she is on time). After that I am looking to move into a BuJo to simplify and consolidate things in a style that's closer to my roots in traditional journaling and look forward to sharing that transition with you all. Once we're in a bit of a routine I will start ramping up the blog and youtube posts before reopening the shop with some new offerings come January 2017.

See you soon!

Rebecca x

1 comment

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